December, 2021 Minutes

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors
December 15, 2021
Call to Order: Chairman Jim Hutchison called the meeting to order of the Stephenson Soil and Water Conservation District Board at 8:05 am on December 15, 2021. The board met in the Blackhawk Room at the Stephenson County Farm Bureau.
Roll Call: Present at the time the meeting was called to order were board members Jim Hutchison, Barb Klinger, Seth Wenzel, and Matt Schlachter; District employee Aaron Dinderman, Resource Conservationist, and Stephenson County Board Rep Garrett Miller
Not in attendance – Hannah McWhirter, Luke Tweeten, Abby Mielke, Josh Franks, and Randy Bukas.
Approval of Minutes: Matt Schlachter moved to approve minutes of the October SWCD board meeting, seconded by Jim Hutchison. Voting aye: all. Motion passed.
Bills to be Paid: Jim Hutchison moved to approve the bills as listed on the monthly budget sheet for September and October; seconded by Matt Schlachter. Voting aye: all. Motion passed.
Review and Approval of Employee Time Sheets: Employee time sheets were passed around. Barb moved to accept the employee time sheets, seconded by Seth Wenzel. Voting aye: all. Motion passed.
Stephenson County Board Report: Garrett Miller –Garrett reported that the County Board passed their budget. Ongoing Union negotiations for Highway, Nursing Home, and Circuit Clerk. 12-14 million $ of incomplete road projects. Upcoming road projects include River Rd (2024), with 2022 including Fairgrounds, Forest, Florence, Baileyville, McConnell, and Cedarville Roads. The 3 million $ nursing home offer was turned down.
1. Freeport City Council Report: Randy Bukas – Emailed Report-The city replaced over 200 lead service lines (water main to the inside meter) in 2021. The City of Chicago replaced 20. We will be bidding Phase 2 lead service line replacements in February where our goal is to replace another 200 service lines. These service line replacements are at no cost to the property owner.
2. The new water treatment plant has broken ground at our new well #11. (Well #11 was finished drilling this summer at a depth of 1,280 feet.) It is anticipated that it will be 16-18 months before the new treatment plant and well are on line.
3. We replaced over 7,300 linear feet of water mains in 2021.
4. We will be bidding a new sewer main for Oakhill, Lawn, Sylvan and Hillcrest in February. We received a $2.3 million grant to help pay for the improvements. (This is an unsewered area of Freeport.)
5. We completed our storm water modeling in November and will be using it to identify two storm water projects, i.e., construction/reconstruction/cleaning in 2022.
CRP/Conservation Plans & CPO’s: Aaron
Passed around FSA published total sheet that included acreage totals for CRP in Illinois. Continued modifications for CPO’s. Chris Grandstaff is doing CRP workload for FSA Stephenson.
Contribution Agreement: Aaron
• Aaron sent Ashley the contribution agreement for Stephenson SWCD. Aaron updated Board on Winter Conference.
EQIP Update: None
CSP Update: None
Programs / SWCD Updates: Aaron
• Janeaddamsland is the location for the Association Oak tree planting at the Espenscheid farm on Eggert Road.
• Advertisement adds need to be sent out and renewed.
• CPP/PFC projects for WDP for Zissler was approved. (Seth motion and Barb 2nd)
• $23,000 to be spent by Dec 2022.
• Local Work Group/Climate Change Discussion -Jim shared a movie he viewed, Our Planet on Netflix. Jim shared a magazine he thought SWCD should carry Acres USA.
APPROVE REPORTS AS E-MAILED: Barb Klinger moved to approve the reports as e-mailed from: Aaron Dinderman, Abby Mielke, and Hannah Mcwirther ; seconded by Jim Hutchison. Voting aye: all. Motion carried.
• Voted on a donation to Illinois Envirothon of $100. Matt 1st with Jim 2nd, motion carried.
Other Business:
• Aaron will check on rain barrel pricing
Executive Session: Session was entered at 9:04 with Board members present. Discussed Administrative Coordinator candidate Trina Orr. Approved hiring Trina for AC position.
Having no other business, Chairman Hutchison adjourned the meeting at 9:47 am.
Barb Klinger, Treasurer/Secretary Notes recorded by Barb Klinger.