April, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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CALL TO ORDER: Stephenson Soil & Water Conservation District Chairperson Jim Hutchison called the meeting to order at 8:03 a. m. on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, in the Blackhawk room, Stephenson County Farm Bureau in Freeport, Illinois.


ROLL CALL: Present at the time the meeting was called to order: Board members Jim Hutchison (Chairperson), Barb Klinger (Secretary/Treasurer), Seth Wenzel (Vice President), and Matt Schlachter (Board Director Member); District employee Aaron Dinderman (Resource Conservationist), and Trina Orr (Administrative Coordinator); NRCS employee Josh Franks (District Conservationist); Stephenson County Farm Bureau employee Debbie Steinbach (Agriculture Literacy Coordinator); Stephenson County Board Garrett Miller (Board Member) joined the meeting at 8:10 a. m.

Not in attendance: Luke Tweeten, Abby Mielke, Hannah McWhirter and Mark Binger.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Review, discuss, and possible action of the minutes from the March 16, 2022, Stephenson Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Directors meeting.

 Wenzel moved to approve the minutes from the March 16, 2022, Stephenson Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Directors meeting, Hutchison seconded the motion. There being no further discussion – Voting aye: All. Motion passed.


TREASURERS REPORT AND BUDGET: Review, discuss, and possible action to pay the bills as listed on the monthly budget sheet for March 2022.

 Schlachter moved to pay the bills as listed on the monthly budget sheet for March 2022, Wenzel seconded the motion. There being no further discussion – Voting aye: All. Motion passed.


REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF EMPLOYEE TIMESHEETS: Review, discuss, and possible action of Aaron Dinderman and Trina Orr employee timesheets for Pay Periods 6 and 7.

 Hutchison moved to approve Aaron Dinderman and Trina Orr employee timesheets for Pay Periods 6 and 7; Schlachter seconded the motion. There being no further discussion – Voting aye: All. Motion passed.



  • The Stephenson County Board voted to keep the County owned Nursing Home open but will continue to try to sell it.
  • The Stephenson County Animal Control Administrator, Dr. William Condie, has been replaced by Kristin Laue.
  • Route 26, Cedarville, is closed.
  • The Stephenson County Fair Board has increased vendor fees; the first time in 20 years.


Nothing to report.



  • 4H Tree Planting had 12 kids in attendance.
  • Tree Recap financial numbers will be presented during May’s Board meeting.
  • The PFC Open Enrollment newsletter has generated many inquiries.


  • The deadline for burning was April 14th.
  • 28 Compliance Review letters were sent.
  • Luke and Hannah assisted with SWCD’s Tree Sale.


  • The Stephenson County Soil & Water Conservation District Board meetings will begin taking place at the office, starting May 18, 2022.


  • NRCS is processing the last approved EQIP application.
  • The ranking deadline for CSP Classic was March 25th. 1 application was selected of the 18 reviewed.
  • 29 contracts are set to expire December 31, 2022. A renewal option was given and 23 agreed.


Nothing to report.


Review, discuss, and possible action of Stephenson County Board Report, NRC-CRP/Conservation Plan/CPO’s Report, NRCS-Contribution Agreement Report, and NRCS-EQIP/CSP Update Reports as e-mailed in the Board of Directors packet on April 15, 2022.

 Klinger moved to approve the reports as e-mailed in the Board of Directors packet on March 11, 2022 Hutchison seconded the motion. There being no further discussion – Voting aye: All. Motion passed.


BOARD MEETING TIME: Review, discuss, and possible action to change the time of the Stephenson County Soil & Water Conservation Districts monthly board meetings.



ROADSIDE CLEANUP: Review, discuss, and possible action for Roadside Cleanup.

 Klinger moved to complete the roadside cleanup Saturday, April 23rd at 10:00 a. m. Schlachter seconded the motion. There being no further discussion – Voting aye: All Motion passed.


CITIZENS STATE BANK ACCOUNTS: Review, discuss, and possible action to update Citizens State Bank accounts as follows: Remove Lorna Chezem from Citizens State Bank accounts 330001216, 320001943, and 320001870. Add Trina Orr to Citizens State Bank accounts 330001216, 320001943, and 320001870. Remove Dan Diaz from Citizens State Bank accounts 330001216, 320001943, and 320001870. Remove Matthew Schlachter from Citizens State Bank accounts 330001216, 320001943, and 320001870.

 Klinger moved to remove Lorna Chezem from Citizens State Bank accounts 330001216, 320001943, and 320001870. Add Trina Orr to Citizens State Bank accounts 330001216, 320001943, and 320001870. Remove Dan Diaz from Citizens State Bank accounts 330001216, 320001943, and 320001870. Remove Matthew Schlachter from Citizens State Bank accounts 330001216, 320001943, and 320001870. Hutchinson seconded the motion. There being no further discussion – Voting aye: All Motion passed.

 STEPHENSON COUNTY FARM BUREAU: Agriculture Literacy Coordinator for the Stephenson County Farm Bureau, Debbie Steinbach, introduction.



EXECUTIVE SESSION – No Executive Session needed.


ADJOURNMENT – Having no other business, Chairperson Hutchison adjourned the meeting at 9:30 a. m., Klinger moved to adjourn the meeting. Wenzel seconded the motion.


Notes recorded by Trina Orr